Vulcan Protocol Ecosystem

  • Vulcan Heroes contribute to the creation of high-quality data sets in exchange for Vulcan tokens.

  • Direct reward, Vulcan Heroes receive 50% of all Vulcan tokens.

  • For direct reward, Vulcan Heroes can either swap their Vulcan token for fiat or preserve them as an investable asset.

  • Long-term reward, another 50% of tokens will be held in the "Vulcan Provident Fund Vault". Tokens will be locked for one year to ensure Vulcan Heroes' long-term sustainability. After one year, the tokens will be released in a gradual and linear fashion over the course of 52 weeks.

  • Customers of Vulcan (both B2B and B2C) can redeem Vulcan tokens or fiat for Vulcan's products and services.

  • If fiat money is used, it will be stored in a "Fiat Reserve Vault."

  • If Vulcan token is used, it will be stored in the "Vulcan Reserve Vault."

  • The Fiat Reserve Vault’s funds will be used for two purposes. First, to buy Vulcan tokens via a cryptocurrency exchange and deposit them in the "Vulcan Reserve Vault."

  • Second, to fund Vulcan Etna Lab, a research and development facility (R&D) for artificial intelligence and learning and development facility (L&D), in order to maximize the potential of Vulcan Heroes.

  • These Vulcan tokens in Vulcan Reserve Vault will be burned on an intermittent basis in order to deplete the Vulcan token supply.

Last updated