Collab Platform

Data Labeling Platform Designed for PWDs

Our existing PWDs have super ability, howere, the inaccessible software hinder them to explode their potential. Therefore, Vulcan dedicatedly developed the Collab Platform that all types of PWDs will use their true potential to prepare and classified data. Collab is the cutting-edge technology that enhances ability beyond physical limitation.

Web Accessibility Principles

Collab was designed to comply with accessibility principles which allow all types of PWDs to convenienly perform on our working platform. Since each group of PWDS have specific constraints to access the working platform such as blind people have been using screen readers to navigate the website while low vision prefers magnifier programs. Thus, Vulcan development teams have to understand the needs of 4 groups of PWDS which are Deaf, Low Vision, Blind and mobile ablity.

Visual Impaired

Visual imparied is the one who are unable to read the normal text which could divided into 4 level as demonstrates in the table below.

Ability (สายตาที่แก้ไขแล้ว)
Ability (ลานสายตา)

Low Vision

6/18 – 3/60

10-30 degree

Partially Blind

3/60 – 1/60

5-10 degree

Severely Blind

1/60 – Spot the light

0-5 degree

Totally Blind

Unable to detect light


Table demonstrates the level of blindness according to the Blind Association of Thailand

Each level of blindness required different features to navigate the Collab platform, therefore Vulcan has developed the compatible features that all levels of blindness could still navigate the platform equally.

The guiding principles for developing the accessible platform for the totally blind.

The imperative concept all developers need to consider in order to develop the platform for totally blind people is that all features might be accessible equally without seeing and the platform was expected to allow them to work proficiently.

All features might be accessible equally without seeing.

All features might be accessible equally without seeing. Since blind people use a keyboard combined with a screen reader to navigate all the features on the platform, all the features must be commanded with a keyboard as we will describe in further detail.

Vulcan develops the platform to follow standard HTML elements

Vulcan develops the platform to follow Standard HTML Elements because it will allow screen readers to read everything on the platform including buttons, images, boxes, links, or headers. For example, we put the description in every image so the screen reader will notice and read it for blind users.

In our Collab platform, we label every button, so the screen reader can read it. We also label the empty box. This label will help blind people to hear and use the keyboard to choose the right button.

Use Header to prioritize the importance of features and contents

Since blind people could not skim reading and explore websites in a short time with sightseeing as non-blind counterparts. Therefore, headers were invented to shorten the time that blind people normally use to navigate the website. Headers were divided into 6 levels and each level highlighted the most important of the content or features. The most important content or features will be highlighted at level 1.

Pop-ups were used to mark the important information

In general websites, pop-ups were used to mark important information. However, pop-ups normally obstruct blind people to access information and also prevent them from navigating further parts of the website. Since the pop-ups in inaccessible websites were not used ‘Focus Tab’ informs the screen reader to read this information in the pop-up.

Vulcan uses focus tap to highlight the important information that we would like the screen readers to read before others. In Voice attraction working tasks, we use a focus tap to mark the name of books that blind people can choose for work. Thus every time they have opened the Voice attraction, the screen reader will read the book lists before continuing to other parts.

The Blind can access the website and work proficiently.

Access main features with shortcuts

The blind can use shortcuts to navigate our platform proficiently, especially the frequency used button without wasting time exploring. For example, on our platform, blind people normally use control+I to increase voice volume and use Ctrl+L to play the next voice. This shortcut mitigates a large amount of time usage in the data labeling process.

The guiding principles for developing the accessible platform for low vision.

Low vision is the group of people partially blind that don’t use screen readers because they are still able to read the screen, but have some limitations such as the size of text and the light of the screen which directly affect their seeing ability. Therefore, developing an accessible website for those low vision requires different features from totally blind.

Each low vision has a different sensitivity to light. Some might be able to perform well in the dark tone background, while others prefer the light background. Thus, Collab has a function that allows users to adjust the level of brightness that is suitable for their sensitivity.

The size of text is another factor directly affecting the seeing ability of those with low vision. Collab allows low vision users to select the right size of the text that they are comfortable to read.

The type of text especially in the Thai language is another consideration for developing the accessibility platform for low vision. Since some types of text will be ambiguous and misleading for people with low vision. To solve this problem, our platform offers various types of text to support them.

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