PWDs' Recruitment System

The PWDs’ recruitment system for AI trainer positions is divided into 6 stages;

  1. Reskill Training

    • PWDs enroll in two courses which are AI and Data 101 and basic digital literacy in Vulcan Academy, an accessible learning platform for disabilities.

    • The learners are required to complete the course and pass at least 80% of the evaluation to get the certificate.

  2. Apply for the selection process

    • Only PWDs who passed the reskilling training courses and received certificates are eligible for applying in the selection.

  3. Skill and Attitude tests

    • The skill test in the selection process is a more pragmatic test that simulates the real work of data labeling, in which each PWDs will be tested differently based on the dataset and disability types.

    • The attitude test is an assessment of a cultural fit and adaptability skill. This testing aims to ensure that PWDs can work effectively in a diverse working environment, are adaptable, and have a low turnover rate.

  4. Announcement

    • The results of the chosen applicants are sorted in descending score order and the number of chosen applicants is determined by the employment quota in each year.

  5. Employment quota matching and Signing contract

    • The chosen applicants will be matched with the company that offers an employment quota and proceed on the employment contract in accordance with Section 35.

  6. Orientation training

    • To effectively onboard PWDs before working as AI Trainer, Vulcan organizes orientation training for all newly hired PWDs in order to introduce them to the job tasks, working platform, company culture, evaluation process, and teams.

In the year 2021, over 1,500 people with disabilities entered our recruitment system and enrolled in the Reskill training courses about fundamental AI knowledge and digital skills, with almost 600 of them having been employed to work as AI Trainer in 2022.

Last updated